Thursday, December 23, 2010

BBQ Chicken Pizza - Rachel

My friend Katy came over the other day to decorate Christmas cookies, and while she was here, she made this pizza dough so it would rise by the time she got home to assemble and bake the pizza. Conveniently, her recipe makes 2 pizza crusts, so she generously offered the second one to me! I gladly accepted.

I didn't have any marinara sauce and it was already 6pm, so I didn't feel like making any, so I decided to do a barbeque chicken pizza. Which I've never made before. Good news: it's super easy and super delicious.

I googled a couple different recipes (looked here & here) and then just sort of made up my own with those guidelines. I apologize because I didn't measure at all - but that's the beauty of cooking! Just mix and add to taste!

Pizza dough
Chicken (I used boneless skinless tenderloins)
BBQ sauce (I mixed Cattlemen's Sweet & Jack Daniel's Honey Smokehouse)
Liquid smoke flavoring
Mozzarella cheese

1. Cook chicken. I used 3 tenderloins and cut them into bite size pieces and cooked them in 2 T of EVOO in a frying pan over medium heat. (However, this looks like it would add some more awesome flavor.) Oh - and preheat oven to 400.
2. Mix together about 1 cup of BBQ sauce, a couple Tbsps of honey, about a tsp of molasses and just a tad - probably not even 1/8 of a tsp of liquid smoke flavoring. Sorry - again, this is approximate. Next time I might add a little cayenne pepper or something to give it a little more punch.
3. Slice some onions. I didn't have any red onions, but sweet white onions were delicious as well.
4. Put some oil on a baking sheet and stretch out pizza dough.
5. Spread some of your bbq sauce mix on the dough.
6. Dump some mozzarella cheese on top. I used quite a bit. I like cheese.
7. Toss chicken and onions on top of cheese.
8. Drizzle more bbq sauce mix over the top. I used all of mine and then drizzled some more of the Jack Daniel's sauce on top.
9. Bake at 400 until the pizza crust is nicely browned. This took approximately 30 minutes. I'd put it in for 25 minutes and then keep an eye on it until your desired crust-crispness is achieved.
10. Enjoy!

Maybe next time I'll give you something with a few more instructions...

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